We have gathered all frequently asked questions to help you plan accordingly and answer any concerns/questions you might have. Please look through the information below and reach out to Kimberly Shooter at 937.823.7878 if you have any additional questions or would like more information.

There are specific requirements that ensure that your health is not compromised and to provide you the best healed results possible. Please read through the list to ensure that you are a good candidate for permanent makeup. We are not responsible if you omit information pertaining to your health.

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Under 18
  • Had an organ transplant or on any anti-rejection medications
  • Pacemaker or major heart problems
  • Currently have a cold, flu, viral/bacterial infection, etc.
  • Hemophiliac
  • Had any laser treatment in the last 8 weeks
  • Previous permanent makeup (see details below)
  • Autoimmune diseases (understand your results cannot be guaranteed)
  • Antibiotics in the last 2 weeks (understand your results cannot be guaranteed)
  • Accutane in the past 12 months
  • Under general anesthesia in last 30 days
  • Botox in the last 2 weeks (for brows)
  • Filler in the last month (for lips)
  • Used ANY lash growth product such as Latisse, Revitalash, or similar product in last 4-6 weeks or using any prescription for glaucoma (for liner)
  • Active herpes anywhere on the facial area
  • Sunburn
  • Blood thinners
  • Prone to keloids or hypertrophic scarring from minor injury
  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure
  • Allergy to Lidocaine
  • Active skin disease or eczema/psoriasis near treatment area (brows, eyes, lips)
  • Any treatment, medication, or illness that is immune suppressive or healing would make you not a good candidate for permanent makeup procedures 

A doctor’s note of medical clearance is required if:

  • Diabetes
  • Epilepsy
  • Heart valves, stents, pacemakers, rheumatic fever
  • Joint replacements
  • Undergoing chemotherapy, radiation or been diagnosed with cancer within the past 12 months
  • The eyebrow area must be healthy, strong, non-sensitive and non-irritated. Below are rules to follow…
  • No waxing, tweezing or tinting for 3 days before your procedure.
  • Stop the use of retinol and have no facials of any kind at least 2 weeks before the procedure.
  • Do not have Botox at least 2 weeks before your procedure.
  • Do not work out the day of your procedure.
  • Do not have a suntanned face or tan for 2 weeks before the procedure.
  • Do not take Fish Oil, Vitamin E or Niacin a week prior to appointment.
  • Do not take Aspirin or Ibuprofen for pain relief 48 hours before your procedure as it thins the blood which will affect retention. The best choice for any aches and pains is Tylenol at this time. Do not stop taking any medication prescribed/recommended by your doctor without consulting with them first.
  • No alcohol or caffeine 24 hours before procedure.  It is best to not have any caffeine, but a small cup of coffee is fine if you are used to it.
  • Be prepared for the color of your Powder Brows/Microblading/Nano Brows to be reddish and dark in appearance that will fade 20-30%. 
  • Please note that you will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.
  • *IMPORTANT* If you have EVER had a cold sore at any time in your life, you will need to go to a doctor for an antiviral prescription to pre-medicate prior to any lip procedure to help avoid an outbreak. The most common prescription is Valtrex for 3 days prior and 3 days after.
  • *IMPORTANT* Your lips can NOT be dry or chapped for your Lip Blushing appointment. If they are chapped you will be required to reschedule and you will forfeit your deposit and a new deposit will be required to rebook.
  • It is possible for the herpes simplex 1 virus (that causes cold sores) to be dormant in your body even if you’ve never had a breakout. I always suggest taking the supplement L-Lysine for at least a week before and after your appointment. L-Lysine can usually be found over the counter where supplements are found (Amazon, Kroger, Walgeens, etc.). Amongst its many benefits, L-lysine promotes wound healing, relieves pain from inflammation, and is commonly prescribed to help prevent cold sores by blocking the amino acid that is necessary for viral infections to reproduce. Although it is a preventative, this supplement should NOT be used alone to prevent cold sores. However, it is a wonderful aid in case you are unaware you carry the virus and it is dormant in your body.
  • Hydrate well with lots of water and good skincare in the weeks leading up to your appointment.
  • Use a lip scrub a couple times a week before your procedure. If you do not have one you currently use, you can easily make one by using equal parts oil to sugar. My favorite is coconut oil.
  • Use a lip mask or Aquaphor every night before your procedure (and throughout the day) to keep lips well hydrated. This is especially important in the winter months. 
  • Stop the use of all retinol a minimum of one week before appointment.
  • Do not work out the day of your procedure.
  • Do not have a suntanned face or tan for 2 weeks before the procedure.
  • Do not take Fish Oil, Vitamin E or Niacin a week prior to appointment.
  • Do not take Aspirin or Ibuprofen for pain relief 48 hours before your procedure as it thins the blood which will affect retention. The best choice for any aches and pains is Tylenol at this time. Do not stop taking any medication prescribed/recommended by your doctor without consulting with them first.
  • No alcohol or caffeine 24 hours before procedure.  It is best to not have any caffeine, but a small cup of coffee is fine if you are used to it.
  • Be prepared for your lips after Lip Blushing to possibly be swollen to double their size and extremely vibrant in color, which will generally fade 30-50%.
  • Please note that you will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.
  • *IMPORTANT* If you have used ANY lash growth product such as Latisse, Revitalash, or similar product you can NOT have any liner tattoo performed for at least 4-6 weeks. 
  • *IMPORTANT* If you are using any prescription eyedrops for Glaucoma you can NOT have this service.
  • Do not wear contacts the day of your procedure.
  • Do not tan 2 weeks prior or have sunburned face.
  • Do not work out the day of the procedure.
  • Do not have Botox 2 weeks prior to procedure.
  • Stop the use of all retinol a minimum of two weeks before appointment.
  • Do not take Fish Oil or Vitamin E one week prior (natural blood thinners).
  • Do not drink alcohol 24 – 48 hours before your tattoo.
  • Do not consume coffee before your procedure.
  • Do not take an aspirin or ibuprofen for pain relief (this thins the blood) for 24 hours before your appointment. The best choice for aches and pains that will not thin your blood is TYLENOL.
  • Please note that you will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.

Everything you will need for the healing of your brows will be provided for you with the exception of a GENTLE face cleanser.  DO NOT wash brows with a deep cleanser, exfoliating cleanser, or clarifying cleanser etc. If you do not have a gentle face cleanser, baby shampoo is an acceptable substitute.

  • Using the provided cotton rounds, gently wipe your brows every 30 minutes for 3 hours. You may use the same cotton round on both brows.  This step helps remove the clear lymph fluid which will help with scabbing.
  • Gently wash brows morning and night with a GENTLE cleanser. DO NOT wash brows with a deep cleanser, exfoliating cleanser, or clarifying cleanser etc. Wash with fingertips, splash to rinse and then pat with tissue to dry. NO WIPING of any kind.  After brows have completely shed, you may return to your skincare routine. 
  • After washing, gently apply a rice size (uncooked) of healing serum to the brows with clean fingertips or a cotton swab. DO NOT OVER APPLY, as this can suffocate the skin and cause irritation and improper healing.    * For oily skin only apply at night. The serum should feel slick while applying but not be applied thick enough to look greasy on the brow.
  • Other than washing your brows, DO NOT GET YOUR BROWS wet until they have completely shed. Be aware while in the shower and when sweating. 
  • Let scabbing/shedding of skin naturally exfoliate away.  DO NOT PICK, as this could cause scarring and loss of pigment.
  • AVOID all hot tubs and lakes until brows have completely shed.
  • AVOID sleeping on your face until brows have completely shed.
  • AVOID makeup on the tattooed area until brows have completely shed.
  • NO SUN on tattooed areas, especially for the first month. Hats, sunglasses and sunscreen are your friend.

Everything you will need for the healing of your lips will be supplied to you.

  • DAY 1: It is very important to remove lymph from the surface of the skin in order to avoid heavy scabbing.  Right after the procedure clean the lips with clean bottled water, and then again, every 30 minutes until bedtime. Before going to bed, if the lips still have some dry lymph, then you can wash with lukewarm water to gently remove the dry lymph, blot dry and apply Aquaphor Healing Ointment. NO WIPING AFTER DAY 1
  • DAY 2-7: Apply ointment as needed, meaning as soon as the lips start feeling dry immediately apply ointment. *Keep skin on lips moist at all times, try to never let the lips feel dry.
  • AVOID WATER except for washing and removing lymph on day one.
  • NO makeup on lips, excessive sweating, sauna, pools, or sunbathing.
  • DO NOT PICK/PEEL any shedding, you could cause pigment loss and possible scarring.
  • DO NOT apply anything to your lips other than what is provided for you or Aquaphor.  DO NOT APPLY anything such as Vaseline, antibiotic creams, Neosporin etc.
  • Drink through a straw and eat off a fork, avoiding all friction on lips if possible.
  • For the next month keep your lips out of the sun or use sunscreen at all times.

Everything you will need for the healing of your eyeliner will be supplied to you.

  • DAY 1 (Day of the procedure): Do not touch the eyes. Before bed, you can ice the eyes by applying it over a clean cloth. Do not apply ice directly on skin. Do not wash the eyes, try to keep them dry. If the eyes are swollen, you may take Tylenol.
  • DAY 2: The eyes may be swollen the next day after the procedure. This reaction is normal. Some clients may swell more than others. The swelling should start going down during this day and the eyes should be looking better by the end of the second day.
  • DAY 3: If the skin feels very dry by day 3, you can apply a very thin layer of Aquaphor Healing Ointment (this will be provided for you). Do not apply too much to avoid adverse reactions. Wash your hands before applying ointment. During
  • Day 1-7 or longer (until the scabs are gone): AVOID water (for the PMU area), makeup, excessive sweating, no sauna, no pools, no sunbathing, do not PEEL the scabs at all (you may cause scarring and major pigment loss). Do not apply anything besides Aquaphor ointment such as Vaseline, antibiotic creams, Neosporin, etc.
  • Aftercare is the part of the treatment that is completely in your hands. It is crucial to clean your brows and follow aftercare instructions to the T in order to get the best possible outcome. Especially in the first 48 hours.
  • Think of the tattooing process like this…

We tattoo pigment through the Epidermis (top layer of skin) and into the Dermis (the second layer of skin). All around this pigment forms Lymph, which is the clear fluid within your skin, and is actively produced when we cause a superficial abrasion to the skin when creating a tattoo. The fluid is a normal part of the body healing and is nothing to worry about. This fluid will harden/dry around the pigment in the body’s way of protecting the skin during healing. If the hardened fluid is left to heal naturally, the body breaks it down and you are left with an even, powdery tattoo in the Dermis (second layer) of the skin. Although, if that hardening is peeled off prematurely it will take the color that it has hardened around right along with it, causing splotchy uneven results, and possibly scarring. The Epidermis (top layer of the skin), which is also packed with pigment, will naturally replace itself and shed off in approximately a week, covering the powdery pigment that has healed in the Dermis. Pigment appears to fade so much during healing due to the fact that only the pigment placed in the Dermis will remain after healing and the Epidermis acts as a filter thus softening it even more.Back to Lymph… Lymph is produced for approximately 3 hours after your appointment, which is why you are asked to wipe the area to prevent unnecessary scabbing which can affect your results. The more fluid left on the skin, the heavier the shed is. I often find the oilier the skin, the more Lymph that is produced.

Washing the tattooed area daily is an incredibly important step as well. The purpose of cleaning is to mechanically assist the body with removing bacteria, buildup of aftercare serum, etc. This allows the body to do less work in fighting off foreign organisms and will help speed up the healing process.

So why do we ask our clients to wash their brows daily, but tell them to not get them wet other than that?

The daily washing of the tattooed area is quick enough to not allow the hardened Lymph to absorb the moisture. This is a little more difficult in the shower, with not only water but the steam as well. Imagine having a scraped elbow that has a scab on it… if you were to take a long hot shower you would be able to wipe the scab (hardened lymph) right off. Well, this is the same idea/issue with your brows.

  • The healing of brows can take anywhere from 5- 12 days, varying from person to person. Below is what I would consider to be the average healing stages and what to expect. *Scroll down to view lip and eyeliner healing
    • Day 1- Immediately after the appointment your brows will look darker, fuller and much warmer (auburn) than they will heal. Although more pronounced, most people feel completely comfortable running errands after their appointment. Later in the day your brows will feel the sensation as if they are sunburned.
    • Day 2- Brows may still feel sunburned and look a little darker due to Lymph darkening as it dries.
    • Day 3 to 4- Brows will start feeling itchy/tight and you might notice a look of thickening to your PMU as the dried lymph contracts during the body’s healing process. Using a thin layer of aftercare serum at all times helps with this sensation. 
    • Day 5 to 6- Around this day the dried lymph packed with pigment on the brows starts to crack and start to shed, revealing the healed skin underneath. This stage makes clients nervous because the contrast in color could make it appear like there is no pigment underneath. In my opinion, this is the ugly stage.
    • Day 7- Around this day the lymph with color has completely shed off. Many times, the color will look very light and patchy due to the body healing the Epidermis (top layer) with an extra thick layer of skin for protection. This does not happen to everyone. For people who experience this will have their color return in approximately 7-10 days as the Epidermis exfoliates with cell turnover. 
    • Day 30- The lower layers of the skin have fully healed; any uneven spots can be addressed at your touch up. Brows may feel itchy or dry up to this point. It is extremely important that you protect your brow tattoo from the sun during this time.
  • The healing of a lip tattoo can take anywhere from 3-7 days. Below is what I consider average.
    • Day 1- Immediately after the appointment, lips may be swollen, feel tight, and will be far more vibrant and bright than they will heal. Later in the day your lips will feel the sensation as if they are sunburned.
    • Day 2- The swelling of your lips has subsided, but they are still feeling tight and you might notice a look of thickening to your PMU as the dried lymph contracts during the body’s healing process. The color will appear darker and more matte. Keeping Aquaphor on your lips and never letting them dry out is incredibly important during this time.
    • Day 3- Your lips feel chapped, and the color is starting to flake off toward the inside of the lip revealing the light color beneath.
    • Day 4 & 5- Your lips will still feel a little chapped/tight, but the majority of the shedding is gone and revealing a soft color underneath. Many times, the color will look very light and patchy due to the body healing the Epidermis (top layer) with an extra thick layer of skin for protection. This does not happen to everyone. For people who experience this will have their color return in approximately 7-10 days as the Epidermis exfoliates with cell turnover.
    • Day 30- The color has completely bloomed and will reveal the true color. Any uneven spots can be addressed at your touch up. At this time the lower layers of skin have fully healed. Lips may have felt tight and a little dry up to this point. It is extremely important that you protect your lip tattoo from the sun during this time.
  • The healing of liner can take anywhere from 5-10 days, varying from person to person. Below is what I would consider to be the average healing stages and what to expect.
    • Day 1- Immediately after the appointment, eyes may be swollen, feel tight and irritated, and liner will appear too thick and dark. Later in the day your eyes will feel tender and have the sensation as if you have had a long cry.
    • Day 2- The swelling of your eyes will be more prominent in the morning and then  subside, but they are still feeling tight and you may notice a look of thickening to your PMU as the dried lymph contracts during the body’s healing process. The color will appear darker and more matte.
    • Day 3 & 4- Your lids may feel itchy and tight, and the color may start to flake/shed. This is where a thin layer of Aquaphor will help relieve some itching.
    • Day 5 to 10- Your lids will still feel a little tight, but the majority of the shedding is gone and revealing a soft color underneath. Many times, the color will look very light due to the body healing the Epidermis (top layer) with an extra thick layer of skin for protection. This does not happen to everyone. People who experience this will have their color return in approximately 15-30 days as the Epidermis exfoliates with cell turnover.
    • Day 30- The color has completely bloomed and will reveal the true color. Any uneven spots can be addressed at your touch up. At this time, the lower layers of skin have fully healed. Liner may have felt tight and a little dry up to this point. It is extremely important that you protect your tattoo from the sun during this time.

Absolutely! The easiest way is to take a clear photo in good lighting (using the back of your camera- not selfie mode) of your full face without any makeup and send to Kimberly at 937.823.7878.  If you would like something more in depth, please contact me to come to the studio for a one on one consultation.

  • Pictures of how you currently pencil in your brows and/or pictures of brows you like. Even if you do not want your daily makeup to be duplicated with permanent makeup, it is important for me to see what you are used to seeing daily when you look in the mirror.
  • Avoid wearing light colored or expensive/irreplaceable shirts. Although it is extremely unlikely that the pigment we use could come in contact with clothing, it is best not to take the risk.

*IMPORTANT* Before booking an appointment, please send clear photos in good lighting (using the back of your camera- not selfie mode) of your full face without any makeup and send to Kimberly at 937.823.7878.  This is required for ALL clients who have previous permanent makeup BEFORE proceeding with any appointments. It must be approved first in order to determine if your previous work can be color corrected or covered up.  If this step is not done and the previous PMU is too saturated to work over, you will be turned away the day of your service, forfeiting your deposit.

  • For your initial Powder Brow appointment, I ask that you allow 2.5-3 hours and 1.5-2 hours for touch ups.
  • For your initial Lip Blushing appointment, I ask that you allow 4 hours and 2.5-3 hours for touch ups.
  • For Eyeliner, I ask that you allow 3 hours for your appointment.
  • We like to take our time with each new client session by conducting a thorough consultation, mapping, numbing, and finally the procedure.

 If you have EVER had a cold sore at any time in your life, you will need to contact your doctor or a Minute Clinic for an antiviral prescription to premedicate prior to any lip procedure to help avoid an outbreak. They usually prescribe an anti-viral (like Valtrex) for 3 days before and after your appointment. Feel free to contact Kimberly Shooter with further questions.

  • For clients that have an ideal brow shape and color in mind, I suggest bringing in a few reference photos to your appointment. You may fill in your eyebrows as you normally would so we can take into consideration the shape you desire. If you regularly get your eyebrows shaped, waxed, threaded or tinted, please do so at least 3 days before your appointment; do not do any method of hair removal 3 days prior to the appointment. If there are any stray hairs that fall outside of our final shape, I can remove them. For clients that need guidance on their shape or style, that’s exactly what I’m here for. As a highly-trained brow expert, I will help you determine the perfect brow for you by measuring your face, bone structure and features. Next, I will sketch the exact shape and outline with pencil so that we can critique the shape together to ensure it is your desired look. It is only once you give the final approval that I will begin the procedure. 
  • As a rule of thumb, I closely match the color of your brow hair rather than your current hair color for the most natural results. If no hair is present on brows, or your natural brow hair is white/clear, we take into consideration your skin tone and preference. 

Additional touch ups are offered to current permanent makeup clients only. Occasionally, due to factors outside our control, some clients may need an additional touch up. This may be due to oily skin, how certain medications affect retention or other factors that cause pigment not to take as well to the skin.  This service is only offered within 7 months of the original permanent makeup appointment, after this time the appointment will be considered a Color Boost and will be charged as such.

While every effort is made to ensure that you remain comfortable through the entirety of the procedure. Discomfort will vary due to everyone’s pain tolerance being different. With that being said, I use a topical medical anesthetic throughout the service which keeps most clients completely comfortable. Some clients have even fallen asleep. The discomfort level is usually described to be between a 1-3 on a 10-point scale for brows and a 4-5 for lips. Most people are quite a bit more sensitive if having this service performed during their menstrual cycle.

Unfortunately, I do not at this time.

  • It is hard to give an exact answer in regards to how long your PMU will last.  The pigment that we use is semi-permanent and lasts between 1-4 years. The pigment will fade at a different pace for everyone—with some people needing a touch-up as early as 8 months—depending on skin type, health, medications, sun exposure, skincare products used etc. In order to keep your permanent makeup looking fresh, a Color Boost is recommended every 1-2 years. 
  • How dark or saturated you choose your PMU to be will be an additional deciding factor. A light blonde and very powdery brow will not last (show up) as long as a dark and heavily filled in brow will, due to its subtle contrast.

Yes, we offer multiple extensive permanent makeup training programs to fit your interest. Please see the ‘TRAINING’ tab on this website or contact Kimberly directly by email to shooter.kimberly@gmail.com or at mobile 937.823.7878

I am asked this question frequently and my usual answer is… Nothing is ever customary when it comes to your money. Some people tip and some people do not, it is simply what you are comfortable with and what you have budgeted for. Tips are always greatly appreciated, but NEVER expected.


At Dayton Permanent Makeup, our goal is to provide clients with the safest, most artistic application of permanent makeup geared toward natural results to enhance their natural beauty. All of our procedures are customizable in terms of style, color, and shape, ensuring that the client is involved and signing off on every step of the process.  

  • A $75 booking deposit is required in order to book and confirm every new appointment. BOOKING DEPOSITS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE and are good for 3 months after original booking date.
  • A 72 HOUR NOTICE is required if you decide to reschedule your permanent makeup appointment.  At Dayton Permanent Makeup, we value your time and ask that you value ours as well. If you choose to reschedule your appointment within 72 hours you will forfeit your booking deposit and a new deposit will be required to rebook your appointment. If you cancel your appointment, you will forfeit your booking deposit. 
  • You will be prompted to book a touch up appointment at your initial appointment. Please be conscientious when choosing this appointment that it will work within your schedule. This is a complementary perfecting service and is ONLY offered within 6 to 12 weeks from your original appointment. **PLEASE NOTE** If you choose to reschedule this appointment past 12 weeks from our original appointment (due to my schedule or yours) or cancel within 72 hours of your booked appointment, the service will no longer be complementary and charged as an Additional Touch Up.
  • Please give yourself ample time to find Dayton Permanent Makeup before your appointment. Being MORE THAN 15 MINUTES LATE to your appointment may result in the forfeiture of your deposit and the cancellation of your appointment. 
  • YOU are responsible for checking the candidacy guidelines prior to booking a session.  If you arrive to your appointment and cannot receive treatment due to contraindications, previous permanent makeup etc., your appointment way/will be canceled and your booking fee will be forfeited.
  • Although we do everything in our power to make sure that you are happy with your cosmetic service, please know that we cannot guarantee the final result, as there are numerous factors that could disrupt your healing process (please read through the FAQ section to ensure you are a good candidate for your chosen service), additional sessions (priced accordingly) may be necessary.